The following was posted in our Facebook Group "Fun To Start Over" by Ian Grant Spong. with his permission I've added it to the blog! I think it is so well put! Thanks, Ian!
I've lived in 4 countries, two languages, and several careers. Starting over has been an every few years kind of thing for my whole life. What have I learned? I guess there are about 4 stages: 1. Let's call it tourist stage. It's a new country, new job, new home, new language, etc. It's exciting. Like being a tourist. 2. Let's call it the homesick stage. You miss you old job, country, language, friends. Hearing a magpie's warble on Man From Snowy River did it for me. 3. Let's call this the settling in stage. You accept the good and bad as part of your new life. You've adapted. 4. Let's call this the going back home stage. You restart an old career, return to your home country, rekindle old friendships, etc. But everyone's moved on since you left. It's all different. You're now a foreigner in your home country, a newbie in your old job, a stranger to old friends. You've grown beyond the confines of national pride, language lines, bigotry and prejudice. You've become a world citizen. You wish you could put the good from all last jobs, countries, friendships into one place. But you can't, and so you settle in again, but now you are forever changed. You are an internationalist, a world citizen, more cautious with friendships, more open with opinions, more adaptable, not so narrow minded. Congratulations! You've joined the human race.
Whoever created this graphic is genius! (It wasn't me). A friend shared it on Facebook and I felt it made a great topic to share on this blog.
Many of us started out this virus attack in the FEAR ZONE. Nothing like this has ever happened to us before. It has been a gradual awakening to what we can each do and we can handle this situation. Hopefully after the first month of "safe at home" confinement, we can progress to the LEARNING ZONE! Now we are definitely coming to an understanding and realization of the GROWTH ZONE! Attitudes of appreciation abound! People are thinking of ways to help others, relieve stress and unite as communities. Individuals and families are becoming more involved, loving and strong. We are all STARTING OVER! We will never return to our old "normal" -- a mind and body stretched by a new idea or a new experience can never return to its original shape and form! To quote George Matthew Adams: IT IS NO DISGRACE TO START ALL OVER. IT IS USUALLY AN OPPORTUNITY! Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a crystal ball to see how all this is going to come out?
If we go back to middle school science class and remember what Isaac Newton said in of his laws (I think the 3rd one) -- "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." This also applies to our thoughts, our problems and our questions. For every problem there is an equal and opposite solution. For every questions there is an equal and opposite answer. Let's imagine what our future is holding because of this extreme situation we are experiencing, collectively. It would be a future full of answers to our questions (of course we'll have more questions soon thereafter). It will be a time of solutions to our problems of today. Today we have sickness, shortages of medical supplies and equipment and even household items. The future will provide solutions: more wellness and improved health, abundance of needed supplies and groceries. That is just law. Newton said so! Focus on these answers and solutions. Because these are big problems, there will BIG solutions! Equal and opposite -- solutions that are in keeping with the magnitude of the problem. Rejoice and applaud all those who are solving problems, working to invent new equipment and finding new distribution avenues. Cheer on those who are working to come up with new medicines, vaccines and other things we can't even imagine right now! The entire planet is actually going to be starting over! Use your imagination to picture a fabulous new world. Let's cheer each other on! |
Tom & Linda WilliamsOur goal is to help folks HAVE FUN while STARTING OVER! If we can provide fun, interesting, informational, and entertaining articles, videos and other tidbits to bring more fun to the sometimes scary process of starting over! Archives
August 2020
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